This service has new features - your feedback - will help us to improve it.

Sign in to WebFiling

In WebFiling, you can:

  • file your company’s annual accounts
  • file your company’s confirmation statement
  • file your company’s director or secretary changes and other information
  • sign up to get email reminders - when your company’s accounts and confirmation statement are due
  • digitally authorise people to file for your company online

Try our new File a confirmation statement service

If you have a private company limited by shares, with 1 to 5 officers (including directors and secretaries), up to 5 people with significant control, and 1 shareholder, you can use our new File a confirmation statement service (opens in a new tab) - . You will not be able to pay with a Companies House payment account.

Sign in

Create a new account -

Who can use WebFiling -

Read the WebFiling guidance -

I need to file a charge (mortgage) document using a lender authentication code -
