Podcast for business

Advantages and disadvantages of having a podcast


Developing a podcast series for your business can help you reach and connect with your existing and potential customers. There are benefits to launching a podcast, as well as some challenges. 

Benefits of having a podcast

Some of the advantages of creating a podcast series for your business include:

Expanding communications offering 

A podcast provides a new, engaging way of getting your message out there. Introducing a podcast as a new communications method will position your business as forward-thinking and modern.

Creative control over content

Unlike some elements of other communications channels, you have full editorial control over the content if you do most of the recording and editing in-house.

On-demand content

Anyone located anywhere can listen to your podcast when it is convenient for them. This means you’re not relying on social media algorithms or news channels to get the content in front of customers.

Building stakeholder relationships 

Each episode you produce could take a different format. You could use a co-host or panel of stakeholders. This collaborative approach could strengthen relationships and help you gain new customers.

Challenges of having a podcast

While having a podcast for your business can deliver plenty of benefits, it’s important to be aware of the potential downsides, which include:

Time and resources

Creating a podcast can be time-consuming and resource intensive, so consider whether a podcast will deliver long-term or short-term benefits to your business. You may need to re-train or hire new staff if you need technical skills to manage editing and uploading content to streaming platforms.


There will be podcast set-up costs including buying the recording equipment, editing software and monthly fees to host your podcast. Ensure you have an adequate budget before committing to a podcast.

Loss of interest

Your podcast needs to have a ‘unique selling point’. It should offer listeners something different, so consider your target audience before launching a podcast series.


A podcast is not accessible to those with hearing impairment, so consider providing a podcast transcript to cater for this audience. If a transcript is not possible, you could consider communicating the message from the podcast through another communication method that is accessible to this audience.