NI Small Business Loan Fund


Access to loans from £10,000 to £100,000 for small businesses in Northern Ireland.

Eligibility criteria:
  • Businesses applying must be substantially based in Northern Ireland.
  • There must be an identified funding gap in a proposed investment whereby applicants have tried and been unable to raise all required funding from Banks/financial institutions. 
  • Applicants will need to clearly demonstrate their ability to service the loan repayments.
Additional information:

The Fund is part of Invest NI’s Access to Finance Strategy and delivered in partnership with Ulster Community Finance Ltd and Enterprise Northern Ireland Ltd (ENI).

  • There is a maximum loan amount of £15,000 to start-up enterprises (businesses trading less than two years).
  • Loans are provided on commercial terms with pricing reflective of the risk involved. 
  • Loans are typically unsecured, although personal guarantees may be sought.

Find out more about Access to Finance schemes.

Support organisation:
  • Enterprise Northern Ireland
  • Ulster Community Finance Ltd
  • Invest Northern Ireland
NI Small Business Loan Fund
0800 988 2879
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