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Go Succeed, City East Business Centre, Belfast,
HM Revenue & Customs,
Belfast City Council, Titanic Belfast, Belfast,
HM Revenue & Customs,
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Starting a business
Before you start your business
Start your business
Running your start-up business
Grow your start-up business
Find local finance
Raising finance
Managing finance
Financial difficulty
Business tax
Self-employed and tax
PAYE and payroll
Keeping records for business
Excise duties
Industry-specific taxes
Complying with European law
Contact or deal with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC)
Companies House returns, accounts and other responsibilities
Business changes
Selling, closing or restarting your business
Accountants and tax advisers
Employment and skills
HR documents and templates
Employment documents and policies
Pay, pensions and minimum wage
Manage people
Holidays, statutory leave and time off
Performance, training and development
Resolve conflict and staff leaving
Health and safety
Efficiency and environment
Environmental action to improve your business
Reduce, reuse, recycle your business waste
Resource efficiency
Reducing your environmental impact
Environmental guidance by business sector
Business premises and rates
Choosing the right business property
Rates for non-domestic properties
Property management and costs
Adapting and improving your property
Innovation and R&D
Product and service development
Design and business innovation
Intellectual property
Sales and marketing
IT basics
Software and technology solutions
Getting online
Security and data protection
Exporting and importing
Basics of importing and exporting
Choosing a market
Procedures and licences
Sector overviews and regulations
Moving your goods
Customs declarations
Grow your business
Prepare for growth
Strategies for growth
Finance and logistics
Managing growth
Buy or sell a business
Acquiring a business
Selling your business
Exiting and transferring your business