Economic and Regeneration Growth Fund


Funding for external and internal improvements to buildings and new developments to bring vacant space back into use for long-term occupation.

Eligibility criteria:

The fund is for properties within the areas of Antrim Street, Bow Street, Railway Street, Bridge Street, Castle Street, Market Street and Market Square.

It can fund external and internal improvements to buildings and new developments required to bring vacant space back into use for long-term occupation.

Additional information:

Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council has allocated £2 million of its 2024/25 budget for the Economic and Regeneration Growth Fund which aims to support regeneration and economic growth initiatives for Lisburn city centre.

This pilot scheme aims to incentivise property owners and potential occupiers to bring vacant city centre premises and spaces back to life through the renovation or repurposing of vacant space within the designated city centre area.

Interested businesses should return their completed Expression of Interest form by email to by 5pm on Friday 20 September 2024.

Support organisation:
  • Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council
028 9244 7542
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