Northern Ireland Screen: Script Development


Funding support towards the development of feature film and television drama scripts for individuals and companies.

Eligibility criteria:

Support is available for Northern Ireland writers and writing teams, as well as Northern Ireland based companies or production companies based outside Northern Ireland who are working with Northern Ireland resident writers.

Additional information:

Individuals: the maximum award for script development to an individual is £2,250. All individual awards are allocated exclusively through the New Writer Focus scheme, which is currently closed.

Companies: the maximum award for script development of one project to a company is £40,000 or 50% of the total development costs, whichever is the lesser amount.

The award will be made available over a series of stages and not in one lump sum. The completion of each stage to Northern Ireland Screen’s satisfaction is essential to enable an applicant to access the full award.

Northern Ireland Screen may award up to 75% on an initial development budget up to £10,000 but beyond the first £10,000 Northern Ireland Screen will not exceed 50% of the remaining development budget. For awards beyond £7,500 Northern Ireland Screen would expect to see cash match finance and confirmed market interest in the project.

Support organisation:
  • Northern Ireland Screen
Ursula Devine
028 9023 2444
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