Vacant to Vibrant Capital Grant Scheme


Grants from £2,500 to £25,000 to renovate or repurpose a vacant space in Belfast city centre.

Eligibility criteria:

Only property owners, businesses and organisations which meet the criteria are eligible to apply.

  1. The property must be a vacant premises or vacant space within a premises that is located within the Belfast City centre boundary.
  2. The business/organisation must be an existing registered business/organisation or social enterprise that has been actively operating for at least three months as of date of submission of application.
  3. The property must not have been in occupation for a period of 12 months at the time of application (properties that have been occupied by temporary meanwhile use/pop ups are acceptable).
  4. The proposed occupier must submit the relevant template within the application pack to demonstrate viability. Grant 1 and 2 will require completion of the two-year business plan and financial forecast, while Grant 3 will be required to complete a Business Plan Proposal template and financial forecast for the duration of the proposed lease period.
  5. Properties at ground floor vacancies are priority, but upper floor improvements may also be considered if the occupier’s ground floor activities extend into upper floor uses, where they deliver a meaningful and measurable impact on the street character and vibrancy. Projects proposing to target upper floor units only will not be considered unless they can clearly demonstrate that the proposal will have a positive impact on the street character and vibrancy of a street or area.
  6. Have the ability to deliver the scheme within nine months of Letter of Offer.
Additional information:

Belfast City Council's Vacant to Vibrant Capital Grant Scheme aims to bring vacant Belfast city centre spaces back into use and support the city centre’s revitalisation.

The scheme has allocated £1 million to support start-ups, independent retailers, social enterprises and cultural and voluntary organisations to make the Belfast city centre offering more diverse and transform vacant spaces to become vibrant.

Grants from £2,500 to £25,000 are available and it is anticipated that the following capital costs will be covered:

  • smaller financial support to pop-up shops and meanwhile test space
  • larger grants to encourage uptake of vacant units for a minimum of two years
  • external capital works to façade to improve look and feel of the high street
  • internal capital works to make a vacant property fit for purpose and support long-term occupation
  • diversification of property’s unoccupied space to help existing businesses survive

Further support

Successful applicants can also access one-to-one mentoring and workshops to help with business growth and sustainability.

Topics may include:

  • business planning
  • financial planning
  • marketing and social media
  • sales development

As part of the council’s wider programme to tackle vacancy, and to support this scheme, Belfast City Council also provides a matchmaking service through a partnership approach with commercial agent Frazer Kidd, linking businesses with potential units, with the opportunity to access capital funding through the scheme. 

Grants of up to £2,500 are available for pop-up ground floor use (minimum four months), up to £15,000 for active floor usage up to 150m², and up to £25,000 for active floor usage over 151m². 

To find out more and apply, email to request an application pack containing the guidance notes, application and relevant templates.

The Vacant to Vibrant Capital Grant Scheme is available until funding is fully allocated.

Support organisation:
  • Belfast City Council
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