Applications open for Rural Engagement Arts Programme 2024

News article

Grants from £500 to £10,000 are available

The Arts Council of Northern Ireland (Arts Council NI) is welcoming applications to the third round of the Rural Engagement Arts Programme (REAP).

The programme aims to increase access and participation in the arts in rural areas of Northern Ireland, as a way of combatting isolation and loneliness and promoting social inclusion.

Arts organisations, community groups, and local authorities can apply for grants from £500 to £10,000 to deliver arts projects benefitting rural-based communities.

Groups can apply for one-off projects or for a programme of events. Applications from single organisations are permissible but should demonstrate partnership working. 

Projects do not have to be new - existing, successful programmes which meet the strategic themes of REAP, are also eligible for support.

The deadline for applications is midday, Wednesday 21 August 2024.

Find out more and apply to the Rural Engagement Arts Programme.

First published 28 June 2024