Apply to the Co-Founders Programme

News article

Build your start-up with Catalyst's Co-Founders Programme

Supported by the Department for the Economy, Co-Founders is a programme for people with passion, drive and ambition to come together to create start-ups that could change the world.

It is a one-night-a-week free programme for anyone who wants to be a co-founder in a start-up team and has the desire to explore the viability of a business idea.

Who can apply?

Co-Founders is open to individuals who are interested in creating a start-up. This includes:

  • people with skills they could bring to a start-up team
  • people with a great idea - or an identified problem space - looking for talent

Pre-formed teams of up to three people are also welcome to join. You don't need formal qualifications to apply.

What will you get?

Catalyst will help you to build a team to 'try out' creating a start-up in a safe, risk-free environment. You will get a chance to:

  • develop your skills through learning workshops, mentoring and events
  • build your start-up knowledge, confidence and resilience
  • grow your network and connect with co-founders and industry experts
  • learn how to pitch

Catalyst will also prepare you to access funding for your start-up.

What can you expect?

Hot House, the Co-Founders' kick-off event, will take place on 22 and 23 November 2024 in Belfast. This will be your chance to meet your cohort and begin creating a team together. The Idea Bootcamp will take place on 7 December 2024 in Belfast. By this stage, you will have formed a team, and you will stress test the idea you want to progress.

The Core Programme follows with weekly workshops, every Monday night from January to March 2025 with industry experts introducing you to core topics. Outside of the Monday nights, you will need to commit to, on average, three to five hours to work on your start-up.

You will have to pitch your idea at different stages of the programme to progress to the final sprint. Co-Founders will culminate with a Pitch Night on 24 March 2025, celebrating your achievements.

How to apply

Entry to Co-Founders is free. All you need is an idea for a high-growth start-up or a skillset to help one.

Review programme details and apply to Co-Founders.

The deadline for applications is 6 October 2024.

You can join an online information session on Tuesday 17 September 2024 to learn more, ask questions and discover if the programme is right for you.

First published 30 August 2024