Burning waste



Burning waste is an environmentally poor waste management option because of the pollution it causes and the loss of potential resources. You should always try to reduce, reuse, recycle or recover your waste materials before disposing of them.

Waste incineration may be appropriate if there is no better alternative way to dispose of your waste, or if the waste can be used as an efficient fuel.

In most circumstances you will need a pollution prevention and control permit or waste management licence or a registered waste exemption for burning waste. Make sure that you have the correct permits, licences or exemptions in place before you burn waste. In some cases, burning waste is forbidden.

This guide is for any business that burns waste for disposal or to generate energy. It covers what you need to do if you burn waste in the open air or within a waste burning unit. It provides guidance on the permits, licences and exemptions that you require to burn waste and suggests alternatives to burning waste.