Call for evidence on measuring noise from outdoor equipment

News article

Views sought on the introduction of proposed amendments to an EU Directive concerning methods to measure airborne noise.

The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) is inviting views on the introduction across the United Kingdom of proposed amendments to a European Union Directive concerning methods to measure airborne noise.

On 22 May 2025, the EU is amending Directive 2000/14/EC on noise emissions by outdoor equipment to bring its measuring methods in line with recent technological progress. The UK Government is considering whether to introduce the same measures across the UK. Views are sought on the potential costs and benefits, and the issues and practicalities of amending the UK noise from outdoor equipment regulations.

OPSS are looking to hear from all interested parties, including:

  • manufacturers
  • authorised representatives
  • trade associations
  • conformity assessment bodies
  • consumers
  • workers
  • market surveillance and enforcement authorities

Find out more about the call for evidence and how to respond.

The call will close for responses on Monday 11 November 2024.

First published 27 September 2024