Consultation on potential legislative changes for IPO digital transformation

News article

Have your say on the modernisation of services provided by the Intellectual Property Office

The UK government has launched a consultation on proposals for the legal changes needed to deliver the Intellectual Property Office's (IPO) transformation programme.

Over the next few years, the One IPO transformation programme will completely transform the way the IPO provides services. Instead of building services around the separate intellectual property (IP) rights, the programme will create a single, integrated system for all registered IP rights - a one-stop shop focused on the key tasks the IPO's customers want to perform.

This consultation seeks views on the proposed legal changes that will update the law and remove legal barriers, allowing the IPO to be more innovative and deliver its digital services. They will also address current inconsistencies between different IP rights.

Responses to the consultation will help shape the laws underpinning the transformation programme, helping ensure the UK's IP framework is fit to embrace the opportunities of the future.

The consultation closes on Friday 6 January 2023.

Find out more about the IPO transformation consultation.

First published 7 November 2022