Economic profiles of Northern Ireland council areas

News article

Economic profiles provide insight into local business data

Invest NI provides an annual synopsis of economic data for the 11 council areas in Northern Ireland.

The 2023 briefings provide a comprehensive overview of each of the council areas within Northern Ireland, including:

  • population
  • labour market structure
  • unemployment
  • employee jobs
  • earnings
  • qualifications
  • gross disposable household income

The council profiles also include business data covering areas including:

  • number of registered businesses
  • businesses by size
  • businesses by sector
  • business demography
  • Invest NI assisted business investors in the council area
  • tourism
  • exports
  • entrepreneurship

Access the Northern Ireland Council briefings:

Further support for local businesses

Access business advice and support on how to start and grow a business in each council area and the advantages of doing business in the different regions within Northern Ireland.

First published 6 February 2023

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