Employment related securities

Please note: Employment related securities guidance from HM Revenue & Customs can be found on the GOV.UK website. We provide links to the key information below.

Tell HMRC about your employment related securities (ERS) schemes(link is external)
Find out when and how to tell HMRC about new ERS schemes, or schemes that have ceased

Employment related securities return templates and forms(link is external)
Use these forms and templates for employment related securities annual returns

Employment related securities: file check and submit returns service(link is external)
Use this service to check your files for formatting errors before submitting annual returns for employment related securities

Employment related securities: check files and submit returns(link is external)
Check for file formatting errors and to submit annual returns for employment related securities (ERS) schemes and arrangements

Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI) notification template(link is external)
Use this template to tell HMRC about EMI options granted using the Employment Related Securities (ERS) online service

Submit an Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI) notification(link is external)
Tell HMRC about a grant of an EMI share option if you’re an employer who operates EMI employment related securities (ERS) schemes

How to make a reasonable excuse claim for a late Enterprise Management Incentives(link is external)
Find out how to make an excuse claim when you have a good reason for being late in telling HMRC about a grant of an Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI) option

Shares and Assets Valuation forms(link is external)
Forms and notes relating to Shares and Asset Valuation (SAV)

Transfer employer's National Insurance to employees(link is external)
Write a legal document to transfer employer’s National Insurance to an employee on certain shares and share options

Save As You Earn (SAYE) bonus rates automatic mechanism(link is external)
SAYE bonus rates are adjusted automatically by linking them to the three and five year market swap rates

Change in bonus rates for Save As You Earn (SAYE) Share Option Schemes(link is external)
The latest changes to the bonus rates for SAYE Share Option Schemes

Specimen Save As You Earn (SAYE) prospectus(link is external)
Check the specimen bank certified SAYE prospectus savings agreement

Employment related securities manuals(link is external)
These manuals contain guidance on dealing with employment related securities

Employment related securities bulletins(link is external)
Updates about employment related securities, including tax advantaged employee share schemes