Finding commodity codes for imports into or exports out of the UK


Last updated 22 August 2022

How to use the Trade Tariff tool or get help to classify your goods, so you pay the right amount of Customs Duty and import VAT

What a commodity code is

Commodity codes are internationally recognised reference numbers. A code describes a specific product when importing or exporting goods. You will use this code on any customs declarations and can find them in the Trade Tariff tool.

You’ll need to find the right commodity code for any goods you import or export, as it works out:

  • the rate of Customs Duty and import VAT
  • taxes
  • preferential rates which may apply

The Trade Tariff tool will also help you check if:

  • you need a licence to move your goods
  • you could pay less Customs Duty (for example because your goods are covered by a trade agreement)
  • your goods are covered by:
    • agricultural policy
    • anti-dumping duties
    • UK safeguarding measures
    • tariff quotas

Finding the right commodity code for your goods can be complicated. Find out how to get someone to deal with customs for you(link is external).

Before you look for a commodity code

Some goods are more difficult to classify than others. You can read more on how to classify:

Find a commodity code

Use the Trade Tariff tool to look up a commodity code(link is external).

Commodity code in other countries

Although many countries have signed up to the same classification system, only the first 6 digits are used worldwide and product specific decisions are particular to each country.

If you rely on the commodity code from an overseas supplier, you’ll need to check if the treatment is the same and how much of the code applies in the UK.