Have your say: Proposed changes to data protection fees

News article

Proposals to increase the annual data protection fees

The government is asking for public feedback on proposed changes to the data protection fees paid by data controllers to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

The proposals outline a proportionate set of increases to the annual data protection fees that will amount to between £15 - £22 for 99% of fee payers.

The proposed changes aim to ensure the ICO has enough funds to carry out its duties, such as providing guidance and support to help organisations meet their data protection obligations. The changes also aim to cover the full costs of these services, in line with government financial principles.

Read more on the proposed data protection fee regime changes.

The consultation is relevant to data controllers across all sectors, including private, public, and voluntary organisations. Anyone currently paying, or expecting to pay, data protection fees is encouraged to respond.

The consultation closes at 11:55pm on 26 September 2024.

You can submit your response online or by emailing dpfr.consultation@dsit.gov.uk.

First published 4 September 2024