Manage your Trader Goods Profile


You must be authorised under the UK Internal Market Scheme and subscribed to the Customs Declaration Service to use the Trader Good Profile service.

A Trader Goods Profile is automatically created when you register for the UK Internal Market Scheme.

It holds records about the goods you move from Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales) to Northern Ireland.

Each goods record contains a:

  • goods description 
  • commodity code 
  • product reference  
  • country of origin 
  • category of goods 
  • supplementary unit (if required)

The information in your Trader Goods Profile can be used to auto-populate the Internal Market Movement Information. This is a reduced dataset which can be used instead of a full declaration for ‘not at risk’ goods you move from Great Britain to Northern Ireland as part of the simplified processes for Internal Market Movements. 

In many cases, providing a product reference or simple goods description alongside standard commercial information to a trader or intermediary will enable them to complete the Internal Market Movement Information on your behalf.

What you can use this service for

You can use this service to:

  • create and manage good records
  • view and update previous movements records
  • ask HMRC for advice about a product’s commodity code and goods description

Start now(link is external)

Before you start

You‘ll need:

You may also need your Northern Ireland Retail Movement Scheme (NIRMS) number or Northern Ireland plant health label (NIPHL) reference number, if you use one or both of those schemes.

Get help  

Contact imports and exports general enquires(link is external) for help using this online service. 

Classifying your goods 

From your Trader Goods Profile you can get direct access to the HMRC Classification Team by requesting a review of a goods description. If the goods description provided is not clear, the Classification Team will contact you for further information about your goods.  You can also use the Northern Ireland Online Tariff(link is external) to look up and check a commodity code. 

To find a commodity code for your goods, you’ll need details of the product such as: 

  • the type of product 
  • what the product is used for 
  • the materials used to make it 
  • how it’s produced 
  • the way it’s packaged 

Categorising your goods 

You must check the category of goods you transport from Great Britain to Northern Ireland, to determine if they are eligible to move under the simplified processes. Your Trader Goods Profile can be used to maintain a list of your business’s commonly transported goods and their categorisation. Find more information on categorising your goods(link is external)

You can also categorise your goods by accessing the UK Integrated Online Tariff Tool(link is external).