New digital patents service: one year to go

News article

The new service, launching in spring 2024, will see the process of applying for a patent dramatically transformed

The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has published a document setting out what patents customers can expect over the next 12 months, as the IPO rolls out their new digital patents service.

The document includes a timeline of the rollout, the features you can expect and the changes that are coming as part of the One IPO Transformation Programme. Among other things, the changes will see the IPO developing APIs allowing providers of intellectual property software to seamlessly link their products with IPO's new systems. This would enable customers to access a range of IPO's services directly from the IP software they use, resulting in a faster and more streamlined user experience.

Digital patents service timeline

September 2023

The IPO will launch a new patents search service, giving customers more options in how they search for patents, and enabling them to save searches, monitor the patents they care about, and build their own patent journal.

In addition, the IPO will begin piloting the new One IPO patents service and will be offering a small number of patents customers early access to the new service. Customers can express their interest in taking part in the patents pilot by emailing

Spring 2024

The new One IPO patents service will launch for all patents customers. This will include:

  • a new digital patents applications service
  • a new customer accounts service
  • the first APIs

Autumn/Winter 2025

Further rollout of the One IPO service will see launches of:

  • new trade marks and designs services
  • digital hearings and tribunals service

Changes to services

The new One IPO service will offer lots of benefits for all IPO customers, but there will be some changes to how the IPO does things, including phasing out eOLF, changing the application submission process, adding an option for organisations to designate super administrators, and changing paper forms to reflect the new digital service.

Details of these changes, the reasons for them and the benefits they will bring are available in the IPO's transformation document.

Digital patents service webinar

The IPO will host a webinar on 7 June 2023 to outline their new One IPO service and the details of how the process of applying for a patent will change in practice.

Attendees will get a chance to learn more about the IPO's Transformation Programme and put their questions to the team. Sign up now to attend this webinar.

First published 18 May 2023