New fund opens to support the development of launch technology

News article

The UK Space Agency is inviting applications from organisations that are interested in developing their launch technology, products, services or capabilities

The Launch UK Technology Investment Programme is the Agency's new fund established to support the development of technology within the UK's launch supply chain.

The programme will provide grant funding to UK project teams within industry and academia, to support the development of the capability of the UK spaceflight sector and research base.

It will providing funding to support the whole supply chain, across all Technology Readiness Levels, helping to develop the whole of the UK's spaceflight pipeline and position the UK to be competitive in this sector.

The call is open to any theme within the launch sector, including:

  • technology development
  • capability development
  • service and product development
  • commercialisation of products
  • testing products/technologies

The grant amount per project will lie between £10,000 and £400,000 for project deliverables to be completed by March 2023. All projects must include match-funding from the applicant and project partners. The size of match-funding will differ depending on the size or type of organisation involved in the proposal.

The deadline for submissions of proposals to this call is midday, 2 October 2022.

Find out more about the Launch UK Technology Investment grant call.

First published 25 August 2022