Payments and refunds for Corporation Tax

Please note: Corporation Tax guidance from HM Revenue & Customs can be found on the GOV.UK website. We provide links to the key information below.

Pay your Corporation Tax bill(link is external)
How to pay Corporation Tax: payment reference number, online, Bacs or CHAPS, Direct Debit, cheque, your bank or the Post Office

Pay Corporation Tax if you’re a large company(link is external)
How to work out payments and when you should make them if your company’s annual taxable profits are between £1.5 million and £20 million

Pay Corporation Tax if you're a very large company(link is external)
Find out how to work out payments and when you should make them if your company’s annual taxable profits are over £20 million

Get a refund or interest on your Corporation Tax(link is external)
Get a refund or interest if your company pays too much Corporation Tax or pays it early

Corporation Tax: interest charges(link is external)
Find out when HMRC may charge your company interest for not paying the right amount of Corporation Tax or for paying late

Corporation Tax: Group Payment Arrangements(link is external)
Group Payment Arrangements let groups of companies save money by making joint payments of Corporation Tax

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