Safe manual handling at work
Lifting, lowering, carrying, pushing or pulling loads can cause a range of injuries to staff. This includes back problems and other musculoskeletal disorders.
Failing to protect against the risks of manual handling could lead to staff having time off sick. This can reduce your business productivity. This could also leave you open to a compensation claim.
There's a wide range of occupations where manual handling can be part of the job:
- construction
- manufacturing
- warehousing
- hotels
- restaurants
- agriculture
Even office staff could easily hurt themselves, for example when moving boxes of paper.
You must assess the risks that employees face when handling objects as part of your overall health and safety risk assessment.
This guide explains how to assess the risks of manual handling and how to reduce those risks.
It also outlines how to train employees to lift and carry correctly and includes tips for good lifting technique.
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