SBRI: Innovative solutions for farm animal welfare

News article

Funding for animal welfare feasibility projects

SBRI Centre of Excellence has launched a new challenge to revolutionise farm animal welfare in Wales, with a funding pool of £250,000 available for innovative projects.

This initiative, under the Welsh government's Sustainable Farming Scheme, seeks to:

  • improve the quality of life for farmed animals
  • meet increasing consumer demands for higher welfare standards

The challenge is focused on developing practical solutions to ensure farm animals live a 'good life' beyond the regulatory baseline. Projects should address the welfare needs of various farm types, sizes, and geographical locations across Wales.

The goal is to demonstrate impactful, scalable, and affordable methods that enhance animal well-being while supporting the resilience of rural farming businesses.

Up to £50,000 is available per project, with up to five projects to be funded in Phase 1. Successful projects may advance to subsequent phases, depending on outcomes and future funding.

Although the challenge specifically targets the welfare of farm animals across Wales, Northern Ireland businesses with innovative solutions are encouraged to apply. Projects must involve at least one Welsh livestock farm and include clear plans for engagement with the Welsh farming sector.

The deadline for applications is Friday 20 September 2024.

Read the full challenge details on the SBRI Centre of Excellence website.

First published 30 August 2024