Support for space exploration community development

News article

The UK Space Agency is offering small scale funding for activities that will benefit the wider UK space exploration community

The UK Space Agency wishes to support the UK exploration community to participate in, and benefit from, their investments in the European Space Agency (ESA) Exploration programme, and to prepare for participation in exploration missions with partners beyond the ESA.

Exploration missions for the purposes of this call are activities that take place in the regions where humans do, or may, in the near future, live and work, namely human presence in Low Earth Orbit, and robotic and human missions to the Moon and Mars.

The UK Space Agency understands that there are many ideas and opportunities that could boost space exploration as a sector. Subject to budget availability, they are making small scale funding available to support activities which will benefit the wider UK space exploration community. These can include:

  • community building activities
  • establishing networking opportunities
  • showcases and/or organisation attendance at appropriate conferences

Support will be granted to successful applicants to a maximum of £50,000. Funding routes will depend on the proposal and value and will be discussed after application.

Find out more about the responsive mode call for exploration community development.

This call will remain open until further notice.

First published 19 December 2022

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