Views sought on new affordable housing fund

News article

Views welcomed from the housing sector on the funding package associated with the delivery of new affordable homes for rent.

Growing the supply of more affordable, better-quality homes for rent with longer-term tenancies is a key commitment for the Department for Communities. The recent publication of its Intermediate Rent policy aims to set the foundations to introduce a new supply of Intermediate Rent homes, which is a new form of affordable housing for rent.

Market sounding exercise

The Department for Communities (DfC) is seeking to engage specifically with the housing sector on the funding package associated with the delivery of new affordable (intermediate) homes for rent. DfC will work with the Strategic Investment Board (SIB) to take forward market sounding over the summer of 2023, seeking the views of the housing market, to refine the final funding package.

The market sounding will help establish the level of market interest to deliver Intermediate Rent homes and the contribution the sector can make to practical delivery.

How to get involved with the market sounding exercise

The market sounding will take the form of a written questionnaire and potential follow-up discussion with SIB.

Anyone interested in participating in the market sounding exercise can request the questionnaire and supporting information by contacting the Intermediate Rent Project team at

The exercise will run until Wednesday 6 September 2023.

First published 8 August 2023

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