Views sought on technical regulations in Private Tenancies Act

News article

Two consultations to assess whether the regulations help to improve health and safety standards in private rented properties.

Two consultations have been launched on the out-workings of the Private Tenancies Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 in shaping the technical regulations relating to:

  • Section 8 - The provision of sufficient smoke, heat, and carbon monoxide alarms.
  • Section 10 - Introducing 5-yearly safety checks of a property’s hard-wired electrical installation.

The purpose of the consultations is to assess whether the regulations deliver a sound legislative framework (in the context of boundaries in the 2022 Act) to improve health and safety standards in private rented properties, and that the accompanying Guidance Notes are easy to follow and provide the necessary information for all stakeholder groups.

Smoke, heat and carbon monoxide alarms

The Smoke, Heat, and Carbon Monoxide Alarms Regulations set the standards for the number and type of alarms to be installed in privately rented properties and aim to reduce the risk of fire-related incidents. It is intended these Regulations will come into force next year.

Electrical safety

The Electrical Safety Standards Regulations will introduce the requirement, at a future date, for electrical checks of a property’s electrical hard-wired installation by a qualified electrician. These Regulations aim to reduce the risks of injury due to electrical faults. The consultations are open to all, but views are particularly sought from landlords, tenants, and stakeholders in industries that may be impacted by the regulations.

How to respond to the consultations

You can access each of the consultations individually at the following links:

The deadline for both consultations is 5pm on Wednesday 6 December 2023.

You can respond online, by email, or in writing.

First published 14 September 2023