Women in Business: Explore It programme

News article

This programme will address a range of business start-up issues and help build confidence and skills

The Women in Business Explore It programme is for women at the pre-start (idea stage) or early stage of trading in their business.

Training will address a wide range of business start-up issues and help to build confidence and grow business skills.

The Explore It programme involves:

  • business start training
  • digital marketing training
  • peer advisory groups
  • buddy support
  • four months of ongoing support

Explore It is for those who:

  • have a business idea, and may have carried out some research, but aren’t sure if it is viable or how to go from idea to trading
  • have received some support with their business idea (eg attended the Go For It/ Go Succeed programme) but need more help to secure their first sales
  • have had some sales but it is low level (hobby/side hustle) and their vision is to create a full-time business
  • are trading less than a year, sales levels are very low, so there is a need to review and develop sales and marketing

The application deadline is midday on Friday 11 October 2024.

Find out more and apply for Explore It.

First published 21 August 2024