Providing work experience opportunities

Work experience opportunities for students still at school


There are various ways that you can advertise or source workplace opportunities.

School Employer Connections and Business in the Community Work Inspiration

Alternatively, you may wish to use one of the following organisations to manage opportunities on your behalf. These organisations provide a brokerage service to support employers and school career teachers arrange work experience placements for post-primary students.

Business in the Community Work Inspiration(link is external) is a national, employer-led campaign that aims to make work experience more meaningful, relevant, and inspiring for young people.

Schools and colleges

A number of schools and colleges encourage young people to find their own placement. However, there are occasions when careers teachers will source placements for the students.

Some schools and colleges have also developed partnerships with local employers.

Arranging work experience

Issues to consider when thinking of taking part in work experience include:

  • Duration of placement - most schools and colleges prefer a five day block placement, however, some may be open to three or four day placements.
  • Age of students - most students go on work experience in year 12 (aged 15-16) and /or year 13 (age 16-17) or year 14 (age 17-18).
  • No cost to employer - you do not have to pay students on work experience.