How to set up an account to defer duty payments when you import goods


Last updated 1 July 2024

If you import goods regularly, you can apply for a duty deferment account to delay paying most customs charges, for example:

  • Customs Duty
  • excise duty
  • import VAT

A duty deferment account lets you make one payment a month through Direct Debit instead of paying for individual consignments.

You can apply for a duty deferment account to use in Northern Ireland or the UK if you meet both of these conditions:

  • you’re an importer or someone who represents importers
  • you have an approved guarantee or waiver in place

Apply to defer Customs Duty

If you want to defer Customs Duty you must:

  1. Decide if you want to reduce financial guarantees by using by Authorised Economic Operator customs simplifications (AEOC)(link is external)

  2. Apply for a duty deferment account and guarantee(link is external).

  3. Ask your bank, building society or insurance company to guarantee your duty payments(link is external).

  4. Fill in a Direct Debit Instruction(link is external).

Apply to defer excise duty

If you want to defer excise duty (such as tobacco, alcohol or certain oils) you must:

  1. Decide whether you want to reduce financial guarantees using the Excise Payment Security System(link is external).

  2. Apply for a duty deferment account and guarantee(link is external).

  3. Ask your bank, building society or insurance company to guarantee your duty payments(link is external).

  4. Fill in a Direct Debit Instruction(link is external).

Apply to defer import VAT

You do not need a duty deferment account to delay paying VAT if you are registered for VAT. You can defer when you account for import VAT on your VAT Return(link is external).

If you are not registered for VAT or do not wish to account for import VAT on your VAT Return, to defer VAT you must:

  1. Decide whether you want to reduce financial guarantees using Simplified Import VAT Accounting(link is external).

  2. Apply for a duty deferment account and guarantee(link is external).

  3. Ask your bank, building society or insurance company to guarantee your duty payments(link is external).

  4. Fill in a Direct Debit Instruction(link is external).

After you’ve applied

If your application is approved and a Direct Debit is in place you will get a deferment approval number. You’ll need to use this on your import declarations or to remove goods from an excise warehouse.

Authorise someone to use your deferment approval number

You can give someone authority to use your duty deferment account number by logging into your Customs Declaration Service dashboard and using the view your customs financial accounts service(link is external).

Cancel or amend your account

Customs Duty or import VAT

To cancel or amend your application, email:

You can also write to:

Customs Comprehensive Guarantee Team
Ralli Quays
3 Stanley Street
M60 9LA

Excise duty

To cancel or amend your application, contact the Duty Deferment Office(link is external).

Get more information

Find out more information about how to use your duty deferment account(link is external).