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Avoid infringing other people's intellectual property
How to check that you are not infringing other people's intellectual property
The importance of protecting intellectual property
Understand the significance of intellectual property rights and why it is important to protect IP such as trade marks, patents, designs and copyright
Intellectual property audit
How to conduct an intellectual property audit and assess the ownership of IP rights in your business
Intellectual property rights and your employees
How to ensure you hold the rights to any IP created by staff by stating the position in employment contracts
Intellectual property and freelance contractors
How to manage intellectual property rights if you commission work from freelancers or through work-for-hire agreements
Prevent intellectual property infringement
How to safeguard intellectual property rights by ensuring hard-copy information is kept securely and by protecting computer data
Protecting your business name and domain name
Your business name can be your most important intellectual property asset - learn how to protect it and how to register web addresses
Different options for building your website
An overview of different web development options, including building the website yourself, using templates or hiring someone else to build it for you.
Measure and benchmark your website performance
How to monitor and benchmark the performance of your website and use this data to improve your customers' experience.
Set up an e-commerce website (video tutorial)
Watch our quick video tutorial to learn how to build your e-commerce website, what to put on it and the laws you must follow when selling online.
Writing a business plan: 5 top tips
Five key steps that can help you to prepare a successful business plan when you're starting a business.
Business plan: dos and don’ts
A list of things you must do when creating your business plan and things you don't want to do in order to avoid mistakes.
Moving plants from Great Britain to Northern Ireland
What growers and traders need to do to move plants (including plants for planting, seeds, used agricultural and forestry machinery and vehicles and seed potatoes) using a Northern Ireland plant health label (NIPHL).
Data protection principles under the UK GDPR
Key UK GDPR principles include lawfulness, fairness and transparency, purpose limitation, data minimisation, accuracy, storage limitation, security and accountability.
What is considered personal data under the UK GDPR?
Find out what constitutes personal data under the UK GDPR, and if your processing activities need to comply with the UK regulation.
Rules on restricted transfers of personal data
Overview of the rules and regulations governing international transfers of personal data from the UK.
UK GDPR data protection audit: checklist
Things you should consider when carrying out a data protection audit of your organisation's compliance with the UK GDPR.
Contractual clauses for international data transfer
Find out how to use standard data protection clauses and the new International Data Transfer Agreement (IDTA) and addendum, to lawfully and securely transfer personal data to 'third' countries
Data protection impact assessments
What is a data protection impact assessment, and how to carry out a DPIA to comply with the requirements of the UK GDPR.
Security principle under the UK GDPR
Measures you should put in place to satisfy data integrity, confidentiality and availability requirements under the UK GDPR.