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WEEE producer responsibilities
What you must do if you are classed as a producer of electrical and electronic equipment under the WEEE Regulations
What is Extended Producer Responsibility?
How your business can prepare for extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging and the key dates for action.
Portable battery producer responsibilities
When and how your business must register as a producer of portable batteries, and what records you need to keep.
Industrial and automotive battery producer responsibilities
When you must take back waste industrial and automotive batteries, keep records and register as a producer.
Packaging producer obligations - who they apply to
Find out if the producer responsibility obligations for packaging and packaging waste apply to your business
Packaging producer obligations - compliance schemes
How your business can use a compliance scheme to comply with the producer responsibility obligations for packaging
Packaging producer obligations - individual route
How to comply with packaging producer responsibility obligations without using a compliance scheme
Operating a WEEE producer compliance scheme
How you can operate a producer compliance scheme for waste electrical and electronic equipment
WEEE user responsibilities
What your business must do when you are disposing of your waste electrical and electronic equipment
WEEE distributor responsibilities
Obligations if you are a retailer or distributor of electrical and electronic equipment under the WEEE Regulations
Who produces Energy Performance Certificates?
Types of energy assessor you can commission to produce Energy Performance Certificates for your business property.
Portable battery distributor and retailer responsibilities
When distributors and retailers must take back waste batteries, how to set up a collection point and disposal.
Packaging design and use - your environmental responsibilities
What your business must do to comply with the Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations if you’re in scope
Environmentally responsible marketing
How your business can decrease the environmental impact of your print marketing and alternatives to physical print.
Recovering energy and producing fuel from waste
Recovering energy using anaerobic digestion, gasification, pyrolysis and incineration, and making biofuel.
Your legal responsibilities for invasive plants and noxious weeds
What your business needs to do if you have invasive plants or noxious weeds on your business property.
IT incident response and recovery
What is an IT incident response plan, how to respond to an IT security incident and recover your business operations.
Responsibilities for maintenance of commercial properties
Division of responsibilities between landlords and tenants for maintenance and repair of commercial premises.
Health and safety responsibilities in rented business property
Who is responsible for health and safety duties for rented business premises.
Packaging design and use - exemptions from the regulations
When your business might be exempt from the Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations and specific examples