Podcast for business

Advantages and disadvantages of having a podcast


Developing a podcast series for your business can help you reach and connect with current and potential customers. There are benefits to launching a podcast, as well as some challenges. 

Benefits of having a podcast

Some of the advantages of creating a podcast series for your business include:

Expanding communications channels

A podcast offers a new and engaging way to expand business communication channels and get your message out there. Using a podcast as a new communications method can show that your business is forward-thinking and modern.

Mastering your message

Creating a podcast can give you complete control over your content. This is especially true when you handle the recording and editing in-house. This ensures your message stays true to your vision.

Engaging customers with on-demand content

On-demand podcasts engage customers. They are accessible to anyone, anywhere, at their convenience, without relying on social media algorithms or news channels to reach customers.

Building stakeholder relationships 

Building stakeholder relationships through your podcast can take many forms. Using various formats for each episode, such as featuring a co-host or stakeholder panel, fosters collaboration and strengthens relationships. This approach can deepen existing connections and attract new customers.

Challenges of having a podcast

Launching a business podcast offers many advantages. But, it's important to understand and prepare for the challenges. These include:

Assessing time and resource commitment

It is important to carefully consider the time and resources needed for podcasting. Consider if a podcast will bring long-term or short-term benefits to your business. Additionally, consider the need to train existing staff or hire new people with technical skills for editing and uploading content to streaming platforms.

Managing podcasting cost

Setting up a podcast costs include buying recording equipment and editing software. It also includes paying monthly fees to host your podcast. Make sure you have an adequate budget before committing to a podcast.

Crafting a unique selling point for your podcast

Crafting a "unique selling point" for your podcast is important to stand out. Before you start a podcast, consider your target audience. Also, think about what sets your content apart.  

Making your podcast inclusive

It's important to make your podcast inclusive. You should consider the needs of all potential listeners, including those with hearing impairments. One way to ensure accessibility for this audience is by providing a podcast transcript. When transcripts aren't an option, explore alternative ways to share the message.