Employing part-time workers
Advantages of employing part-time workers
Employing part-time workers has a range of potential business benefits, such as:
- being an efficient way to keep costs down in areas where you don't yet need full-time cover
- increasing recruitment and retention of staff by offering family-friendly working practices
- being able to show potential clients and customers that you value having a diverse workforce and ethical employment practices
- allowing you to bring in highly skilled and experienced staff members even when you have a fixed budget and can't afford to bring someone in on a full-time basis
- expanding the pool of potential recruits - part-time work tends to attract parents with younger children and older people, who may not want to work full-time but can bring a wealth of skills, experience, and expertise
- increasing the ability of your business to respond to change and peaks of demands - for example, you can use more workers at peak times and extend your operating hours by using part-time workers in the evening or at weekends
- helping to reduce the workloads of other workers, eg when you don't have enough work for a new full-time position but are regularly using overtime to meet demands - this can reduce your overtime costs and help prevent the negative effects of stress and fatigue
- LRA Workplace Information Service03300 555 300
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