Lead and motivate your staff

Advantages of leading and motivating your employees


For a business to be successful, it has to not only offer products and/or services that meet customers' needs and wants, but also have staff who are loyal and committed.

Staff motivation

However, to gain your employees' loyalty and commitment you need to do more than just pay them well. In a competitive job market, you also need to consider people's social and psychological needs - and this means leading and motivating your workforce properly.

Read more on what motivates employees.

Benefits of leading and motivating your staff

There are a number of benefits for businesses that lead and motivate their staff including:

  • higher staff retention - helping businesses reduce staff turnover and leading to a reduction in recruitment costs
  • absenteeism will be minimised leading to higher levels of productivity
  • more innovation and creativity - staff may be more inspired to improve processes and quality of products you produce
  • higher profits
  • a better reputation - among suppliers, customers and potential employees, helping to make it easier to recruit the best workers
  • improved industrial relations with trade unions - see work effectively with trade unions