Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Business benefits of corporate social responsibility


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has many advantages. These can apply to any business, regardless of its size or sector.

Benefits of corporate social investment for businesses

The potential benefits of CSR to companies include:

  • better brand recognition
  • positive business reputation
  • increased sales and customer loyalty
  • operational costs savings
  • better financial performance
  • greater ability to attract talent and retain staff
  • organisational growth
  • easier access to capital

Responsible business reputation

Corporate social investment can help you to build a reputation as a responsible business, which can, in turn, lead to a competitive advantage.

Companies often favour suppliers who have responsible policies, since this can reflect on how their customers see them. Some customers don't just prefer to deal with responsible companies - they insist on it.

Costs savings

By reducing resource use, waste and emissions, you can help the environment and save money too. With a few simple steps, you may be able to lower your utility bills and achieve savings for your business. See how to reduce your business waste to save money.

Finding and keeping talented staff

Being a responsible, sustainable business may make it easier to recruit new employees or retain existing ones. Employees may be motivated to stay longer, thus reducing the costs and disruption of recruitment and retraining.

Other benefits of CSR to companies

By acting in a sustainable, responsible way, you may also find it easier to:

  • access finance - investors are more likely to back a reputable business
  • attract positive media attention - eg when taking part in community activities
  • reduce regulatory burden - good relationships with local authorities can often make doing business easier
  • identify new business opportunities - eg for the development of new products or services

Business in the Community offers more information on being a responsible business(link is external).

If you're looking for ways to make an impact, check out these fun and creative CSR activity ideas for your business.