Collecting and transporting groupage consignments from GB to NI

Check what certificates you need to move your consignment


You need different certificates depending on the type of product you’re moving to Northern Ireland.

Products of animal origin (POAO)

POAO means animal products for human consumption such as:

  • meat
  • fish
  • eggs
  • dairy
  • honey
  • gelatine

Find out what certificates you need to move POAO.

Plants and plant products

These include:

  • plants, including fruit, vegetables and cut flowers
  • plant products
  • seeds
  • potatoes
  • bulbs
  • grain
  • machinery
  • wood and wood products

Find out what certificates you need to move plants and plant products.

Pet food and animal feed

You may need a certificate to export animal feed or pet food, and you may have to follow certain rules.

Find out what certificates you need to move pet food and animal feed.

High-risk food and feed of non-animal origin (HRFNAO)

Some non-animal food and feed products from certain non-European Union countries present risks to human health because of:

  • aflatoxins
  • pesticides
  • salmonella
  • dioxins

Find out what certificates you need to move HRFNAO.