Plan your business IT systems

Choose the right IT system for your business


It is vital to take due care when choosing new business IT solutions. Some of the key things you will have to consider when choosing any IT product are:

  • functionality
  • compatibility
  • skills and support required
  • ability to scale up
  • integration
  • security
  • management and reporting capabilities

You may want to carry out a technology needs assessment to help you consider what your business needs are today, and what they might be in the future. Technology moves quickly, so it's worth getting a future-proof system and keeping up with the latest developments.

Types of IT systems in business

Most businesses have several information systems in place. For example:

  • executive support systems - typically involve data analysis and planning tools to help with strategic decision-making
  • management information systems - usually work with internal sources of information and help organise, evaluate, manage and present data in a readable form
  • decision support systems - typically rely on databases to produce 'what-if' type of analysis
  • knowledge management systems - help businesses create, share and manage information, often collaboratively
  • transaction processing systems - automate routine transactions, such as billing, payroll, stock control, etc
  • office automation systems - enable processing of data and information in a productive, efficient way

With all these systems, there are options to suit every kind of business.

Bespoke systems

You can ask a solutions provider to build you a system tailored exactly to your needs. However, this can be expensive and smaller businesses often find that 'off-the-shelf' software may be more practical than trying to develop something bespoke.

Cloud systems

Cloud computing provides businesses with a way of managing data, hardware and software requirements by using resources on the internet that are stored 'in the cloud'. This makes them accessible from any computer or mobile device with an internet connection and web browser.

Linked systems

When you buy a new IT product, you may want to integrate it with your existing systems. For example, new accounting software with existing orders, purchasing and stock control systems. This allows you to continue using your existing tools alongside the new technology. However, compatibility issues are possible and you may need specialist support to set up the systems to meet your exact needs.

Networked systems

Networking your computers is almost always worthwhile. Networking allows you to share hardware, software and internet access. More importantly, it makes it easy for people to share information and work together. See more on computer networking.