Having trouble raising finance for your business?

Creative ways to succeed in business: seven top tips


Thinking beyond the obvious methods of raising money, there are many other tactics you can use to help your business thrive. Most of all, have a positive attitude. Show partners and clients that you are dedicated and offer an excellent service or product.

Seven top tips

Instead of just using traditional funding methods, explore our seven top tips to help your business succeed.

1. Keep your business image professional

Ensure that you run an efficient, professional business. If you work from home, meet your clients at their business or meet them at a restaurant as meeting at your own home may give them the wrong impression.

2. Use free PR opportunities

Instead of paying for advertising in a newspaper or magazine, try to get some free PR. Find an interesting angle about your business and provide feature editors with editorial and a picture or offer to do an interview. 
You could also hold a competition which offers one reader a free product or demonstration with details of the competition on the same page as the feature about your business. See Public Relations.

3. Leverage social media

As well as traditional marketing, you should also consider using social media for your business. Customers increasingly look to engage with businesses or brands online, so social media can be a great tool to help you engage with existing and potential customers, with relative ease and little cost. See social media best practice for business.

4. Experiment with free trials

If you can use equipment on a free trial which will save you cash for a few months, give it a go. If it's possible to exchange goods or services with another business without exchanging cash, but with a mutual benefit, then that too will help you save money.

5. Offer unique promotions

Create unique and engaging promotions, such as limited time offers or exclusive deals for loyal customers. These strategies can attract attention and boost sales. See sales promotion examples | nibusinessinfo.co.uk

6. Learn from other entrepreneurs

Watch other entrepreneurs and pick up on their expertise and tips. There's no guarantee that someone else's ideas will work in your business, but you may be able to tweak an idea to work perfectly for your business or it might trigger off a creative idea of your own. See Northern Ireland business networks and benefits of business mentoring.

7. Practice your selling skills

Continuously improve your selling techniques. Being adept at selling is crucial for convincing potential clients and closing deals, which directly impacts your business growth.