Manage health and safety when running events

Event health and safety: top tips


Planning is important for making health and safety a priority at your event. Follow these key tips for running a safe and well-managed event: 

1.  Start planning well ahead: The sooner you start planning your event the better. This will give you plenty of time to get any licences or permissions you need and properly prepare for health and safety. See manage health and safety when running an event.

2. Carry out a risk assessment: This is one of the most important parts of preparing for an event. Your health and safety risk assessment helps you identify and take steps reduce risks.   

3. Plan for emergencies: With large numbers of visitors gathered in one place, it's essential to plan for incidents, emergencies and evacuations. Your plan will outline how you will get people away from danger, deal with injuries and work with the emergency services. See event safety: planning for emergencies.

4. Manage traffic: Consider how you will manage the flow of traffic before, during and after your event. You may need to hire car parking attendants or organise remote car parks and shuttle buses.

5. Manage crowds: Use signs, barriers, security staff and good site design to ensure your visitors can move safely around your event. See event site and venue safety.

6. Work with other organisations: There are certain organisations that you should inform when planning your event and communicate with throughout. These include your local council, the PSNI and your insurer. See event safety: important contacts.