Choose an internet service provider for your business

Factors when choosing your ISP


There are many factors to consider when choosing the right internet service provider (ISP) for your business. These include:

The ISP's size and the level and quality of the ongoing support it offers can also be relevant factors when choosing a provider.

Size of company

There are no major differences in the costs associated with using large or small ISPs. However, bigger companies are likely to have more resources to quickly resolve serious network issues and will typically have access to a wider range of technical expertise.

On the other hand, smaller companies may provide more personalised service and may be willing to spend time working closely with you to develop tailor-made solutions.

If possible, read independent reviews or speak to some of the ISP's customers to see how closely its customer service and support actually compare with its promises.

Level of customer support

A good ISP will offer customer service and technical support. Remember to check on the availability of telephone support, particularly:

  • when support is available
  • what it costs to call them
  • whether your call will be answered promptly

You can try calling the ISP to test their level of response, before deciding if they are the right fit for your business.

You should also check the ISP's resilience to technical problems. Does it have a backup strategy in the event of serious operational problems? Does it monitor the ongoing operational performance of the web? Will its systems still work in the event of a power cut?

Read more about ISP service level agreements and find out what to expect from your internet service provider.