Lisburn and Castlereagh business support
How to start your business in Lisburn and Castlereagh City
If you are considering starting a business, you can get free start-up support from Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council.
Go Succeed Start
If you have a great idea but you're not sure how to turn it into a business, or you have already started out in business and require mentorship on your next steps, Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council's Go Succeed Start experts will help you to create a business plan, seek funding and put all the foundations in place to get your business up and running.
This support is available to anyone interested in starting a business. Complete a short enquiry form or call 0800 027 0639 to register for free advice and guidance from Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council.
Start-up and early stage business support programmes
Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council runs or part-funds business support programmes to help you start a business. Current programmes include:
Employee Upskilling Programme
An opportunity for local employers and employees to boost their business skills and gain a Chartered Management (CMI) qualification - find out more about the Employee Upskilling Programme.
Vision to Venture Programme
This programme provides a £500 bursary, workshops and one-to-one mentoring for Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council residents who would like to set up their own business, or have recently set up a business and are not working at capacity.
Check the full eligibility criteria and submit your application for the Vision to Venture Programme.
Youth Entrepreneurship Programme
Free training, advice and support to young people to develop their skills and help them become future entrepreneurs - find out more.
My New Business
My New Business is a free online service that covers everything you need to start, plan and run a business. It has checklists, videos, tools, tutorials and case studies to help you get your business started - find out more about My New Business.
Get a business licence
You may need a licence to operate certain types of business in Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council. Find more information on how to apply for business licences with Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council.
- Start a business Helpline0800 027 0639