Employing a member of the Reserve Forces

Legal obligations when employing Reservists


Since 1 October 2014, Reservists and their employers are affected by legal changes announced within the Defence Reform Act 2014(link is external).

These changes are a big step forward, as they address employers' views fed into the White Paper indicating that the costs of employing a Reservist outweighed the benefits. The 2014 legislation also gives Reservists a more prominent role within Future Reserves 2020 (FR20) and greater job security.

Broader powers for mobilisation

Defence can now call out Reservists for any purpose for which Regulars may be used - previously, they could only be called out to serve in specific circumstances. This will ensure that Reservists become more fully integrated into the Regular Forces.

Also, the maximum period for which Reservists may be mobilised has increased from nine to twelve months. The twelve-month period of mobilisation will cover training, deployment, and recuperation after service.

Those Reservists who joined before 1 October 2014 have a choice whether or not to transfer to these new terms. However, anyone joining on or after 1 October 2014 will be automatically subject to them.

Defence Relationship Management (DRM) is an organisation that supports members of the Reserve Forces and their employers. It has replaced the SaBRE (Supporting Britain's Reservists and Employers) brand throughout the UK, though the Regional Employer Engagement Directors still exist to assist employers and reservists within their regions. Read DRM guidance on employing a Reservist(link is external).

Additional financial support for employers

SMEs and equivalent-sized charities and partnerships are allowed to claim up to £500 for each month their Reservist employee is mobilised. This financial incentive is on top of the existing Employer's Award which covers the cost of replacing Reservists when they are mobilised and claiming re-training costs when they return to work.

Employment protection

Reservists are exempt from the one-year qualifying period in bringing unfair dismissal claims to an employment tribunal if the reason; or primary reason for dismissal is their being a Reservist.

Territorial Army renamed Army Reserve

The Territorial Army volunteer reserve force is now called the Army Reserve.

Annual reporting on volunteer Reserve Forces

Each year, the Reserve Force and Cadets Associations are required to report to the Secretary of State for Defence on how well FR20 is being delivered and on the health of the Reserves. This information will provide valuable independent scrutiny of the Reserve Forces.

  • Defence Employer Support
Developed with:
  • MoD