National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage - calculating minimum wage pay

National Minimum Wage and Living Wage - time spent travelling on business


Time spent travelling between home and someone's normal place of work and back again does not count as the time when the minimum wage is payable.

However, there are some periods of travelling time when the minimum wage must be paid to a time or salaried hours worker. These include times when the worker is:

  • required to travel in connection with their work - and rest breaks are taken during the time the worker is travelling count as time worked - for example lunch on board a train
  • waiting for a train or changing trains or other forms of transport - except during rest breaks
  • travelling from one work assignment to another - except for rest breaks
  • waiting to either collect goods, meet someone in connection with work or start a job
  • travelling from work to training venues - travel between their home and the training venue does not count
  • time spent training for their work - either at the workplace or somewhere else - this also applies to workers required to undertake training before starting to work for you

For full details, see calculating the minimum wage(link is external).