Advertise a job and interview candidates

Preparing to interview candidates


The more preparation you do for the interview, the easier it will be for both you and the candidate.

Interview panel

You may want to establish an interview panel consisting of a number of colleagues who will be present when the interview takes place. The interview panel can help you decide on the right questions to ask and help you assess the candidates. An interview panel can include a variety of people with different experiences, beliefs, and thoughts, which can provide a balanced perspective.

Include a diverse balance of people on your interview panel in terms of gender, race, and other characteristics. Meet with your interview panel before the interviews begin to establish what you are looking for from the ideal candidate.

Plan the interview questions

  • Plan questions that give the candidate the chance to talk about their skills and experience.
  • Ask about any information in their application that is not clear, or that you would like to know more about.
  • Compare the candidate responses against the job description and person specification so you can determine how they measure up.
  • If two or more people are interviewing, decide who will deal with which questions or topics.
  • Think about what information candidates may want about the job and your organisation. If there is something you or the interview panel can't answer during the interview tell them you'll follow this up with them.

Prepare questions that need more than a 'yes' or 'no' answer. For example:

  • Tell us why you are interested in this job.
  • What were/are your main responsibilities in your previous/current job?
  • Why did/do you want to leave your previous/current job?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years' time?
  • Looking back at your career, what would you have done differently?

Make arrangements for the interview

  • Make sure that the interview room is properly prepared.
  • Find out if a candidate has any special requirements before they arrive. You must make any reasonable adjustments.
  • Make sure there will be no interruptions.
  • Brief other members of staff, such as receptionists, to expect the candidate.
  • Allow enough time for the interview so you don't have to rush.
  • Set aside time in between interviews so that the interview panel can take a break and will be refreshed for the next interview. Interviews can require lots of focus and concentration.