London Stock Exchange: AIM

The requirements for joining AIM


Typically, the process of joining AIM can take between three and six months from the time you make an official decision to join. However, this can vary greatly depending on the complexity of your business and the level of due diligence (analysis of financial records and other vital aspects of a business, to confirm facts) that would be required to comply with the admission requirements.

AIM listing requirements

There are no prescriptive eligibility criteria for joining AIM, however, a company must:

  • Appoint a Nominated Adviser ('nomad') and retain their services for the duration of the time the company remains on AIM. The nomad provides advice on the application process and on complying with the AIM Rules.
  • Appoint a corporate broker and retain their services throughout the time the company remains on market.
  • Ensure shares are freely transferable and eligible for electronic settlement (allowing the trading of shares online without paperwork).
  • Prepare an admission document in compliance with the AIM Rules with the help of your advisers and publish it.

Your nomad will be able to guide you through most of the admission process and will be responsible for ensuring that you comply with the specific requirements under the AIM Rules. For further information see the role of the Nominated Adviser and other advisers.

For further information, see London Stock Exchange guidance on AIM(link is external).

Other legal requirements

In addition to the AIM rules, an applicant must comply with:

  • UK company law, if incorporated in the UK
  • UK legal requirements for offers of securities - for more information see shares and shareholders
  • the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, which makes it an offence to abuse or mislead the market
  • legal requirements in all other countries where its shares are offered
  • company and securities laws of the country in which it is incorporated, if this is outside the UK