Make best use of standards

Standards for best business practice


You can use a number of recognised standards to promote the best business and organisational practices. Many businesses adopt certain management systems to ensure they stay competitive.

Quality management standard

ISO 9001(link is external) is an internationally recognised standard for quality management of business systems. It benefits businesses by helping them improve customer satisfaction, internal efficiency and employee involvement. See more on ISO 9001 quality management standard.

Environmental management standard

ISO 14001(link is external) is the international standard that specifies a process for controlling and improving a business' environmental performance. It can help you manage your environmental responsibility and ensure that you comply with legal requirements. See how to set up an environmental management system.

Businesses that are seeking to adopt a phased approach to implementing environmental management systems will find the BS 8555 standard appropriate.

Energy management standard

ISO 50001(link is external) standard is used by organisations across the world to manage and reduce their energy use and costs. It sets out the requirements for energy management systems and can help your organisation save money, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and comply with legislation.

Occupational health and safety management standard

All businesses must comply with a range of regulations on health and safety in the workplace. Senior managers may also bear legal responsibility for this. One way of ensuring that you meet these requirements is to follow standards on occupational health and safety.

BS OHSAS 18001 used to provide recognised guidance on best practice in these areas. It has now been replaced by ISO 45001(link is external), the new international standard for occupational health and safety management. Find out how you can set up a health and safety management system.

Information security management standard

An information security management system provides a systematic approach to managing and securing information - one of your business' key assets. The ISO 27001 IT security management standard is a key standard in this area.

Business continuity management standard

The ISO 22301(link is external) standard provides guidance for businesses on how to reduce the impact of disruptive events, such as IT viruses and supply chain disruption, as well as extreme incidents such as flash floods or terrorism. Find other best practices for business continuity and crisis management.