Storing chemicals

Storage, handling and delivery of chemicals


When you are planning chemical storage areas, you should carefully consider how you store, handle and take delivery of chemicals at your site.

Follow safety data sheet instructions

When you receive any chemical it may be supplied with a safety data sheet (SDS). The SDS contains information about the chemical, including how to store, use and dispose of it safely. The SDS may also recommend the best methods and materials to use for cleaning up a spill. If you receive a chemical without an SDS, contact your supplier to find out whether or not they have to provide one.

For more information about SDSs, see chemical labelling and information.

Comply with health and safety legislation

If you store hazardous chemicals you must comply with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations to protect the health of your staff. Check the SDS to see if the substances you use are hazardous.

Read HSENI guidance on COSHH(link is external).

Good practice for chemical storage

Locate your storage areas to minimise the risks of damage to the environment, and the health and safety of your employees and the public. Ensure that your storage area is located so if chemicals leak or spill, you will not pollute air, land, surface waters or groundwater.

Make sure your storage area is:

  • secure - avoid sites close to a boundary fence
  • away from heavy plant or where vehicles move around to minimise the risk of collision or damage to storage systems and pipework from vibrations
  • not likely to flood or, if this is not possible, above the height that any flood water is likely to reach
  • clearly signposted, with a clear boundary

You should store chemicals safely to protect groundwater. It is important to remember that groundwater may be used for drinking water supplies.

Delivery and handling of chemicals on your site can cause pollution. For example, forklifts can damage chemical containers and chemical bottles may break and leak.
You should:

  • Supervise deliveries of chemicals and fuels at all times.
  • Label all tanks and containers clearly with their contents and storage capacity - check levels before deliveries to prevent overfilling and spills.
  • Locate delivery areas to minimise the vehicle movements on your site. If possible, have a one-way system to avoid congestion, especially if you have frequent deliveries.
  • Mark out delivery areas clearly. If possible, put a roof over the delivery area.
  • Have an up-to-date drainage plan of your site. This will help you identify where any spills may end up.
  • Ensure drains from delivery areas connect to the foul sewer. If this isn't possible, isolate run-off from the surface water drainage system, either by catch-pits or sumps with isolating valves. Your delivery area should have an impermeable surface.
  • Check that delivery pipes have automatic cut-off valves to prevent overfilling tanks, intermediate bulk containers or mobile bowsers.
  • Keep a spill kit close to delivery areas, and make sure that your staff know how to use it - see avoiding and dealing with chemical spills.

It is good practice to follow pollution prevention guidelines (PPGs) to help you avoid causing pollution.

You can download guidance on the safe storage of Drums and Intermediate Bulk Containers (PDF, 1.2MB)(link is external).