Flexible working: the law and best practice

Types of flexible working


The term flexible working covers flexibility in terms of the hours that are worked and the location and includes the following:

Flexible working: different types

Type of flexible work Explanation
Type of flexible work Annualised hours Explanation Employees' contracted hours are calculated over a year. While the majority of shifts are allocated, the remaining hours are kept in reserve so that workers can be called in at short notice as required. See minimum wage for different types of work - paid by the hour(link is external).
Type of flexible work Compressed working hours Explanation Employees can cover their standard working hours in fewer working days. See calculating holiday entitlement for atypical workers.
Type of flexible work Flexi-time Explanation Employees have the freedom to work in any way they choose outside a set core of hours determined by the employer.
Type of flexible work Part-time working Explanation Employees are contracted to work less than standard, basic, full-time hours. See options for part-time working.
Type of flexible work Job sharing Explanation One full-time job is split between two employees who agree on the hours between them. See introducing job-sharing.
Type of flexible work Remote or hybrid working Explanation Employees spend all or part of their working week from home or somewhere else away from the normal workplace. See employees working from home.
Type of flexible work Sabbatical/career break Explanation Employees are allowed to take an extended period of time off, either paid or unpaid.
Type of flexible work Self rostering Explanation Employees nominate the shifts they'd prefer, leaving you to compile shift patterns matching their individual preferences while covering all required shifts.
Type of flexible work Shift swapping Explanation Employees arrange shifts among themselves, provided all required shifts are covered.
Type of flexible work Shift working Explanation Work that takes place on a schedule outside the traditional 9am - 5pm working day. It can involve evening or night shifts, early morning shifts, and rotating shifts.
Type of flexible work Staggered hours Explanation Employees have different start, finish, and break times, allowing a business to open longer hours.
Type of flexible work Term-time working Explanation An employee remains on a permanent contract but can take paid/unpaid leave during school holidays. See considering requests to change working hours.
Type of flexible work V-time working Explanation Employees agree to reduce their hours for a fixed period with a guarantee of full-time work when this period ends.

Flexible arrangements must comply with the law on working time. See hours, rest breaks and the working week.