Using the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) to move goods

Using the NCTS


How to submit

When you enter a transit declaration into the NCTS an electronic message is sent to the customs office of departure. If your declaration is accepted the system will allocate a movement reference number. The Anticipated Arrival Record message is sent by the office of departure to the destination customs office.

After you’ve submitted

Your consignments must travel with a Transit Accompanying Document (TAD). The TAD includes your consignment’s Movement Reference Number – printed in numeric form and as a barcode. You must be able to print barcodes to the ISO code 128 standard, rather than EAN 128.

When more than one item is being consigned, a List of Items should also be sent with the TAD.

Goods moving under the transit procedure must be accompanied by a TAD for presentation at destination or in case the goods are diverted, or there are any incidents during transit.

The TAD can be printed out at the customs office of departure or, if your printer can accommodate barcodes, at your own premises. TADs are authenticated by the system and do not need to be stamped by customs.

When your goods arrive at the destination country, it’s important that the TAD is presented to customs at the office of destination, so they can inform the NCTS that the goods have arrived.

De-enrolling from NCTS

Find out more about how to de-enrol your business or a staff member from NCTS with the New Computerised Transit System: supporting guidance(link is external).

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