Managing employee use of social media

Develop a social media policy


There are ways that you can effectively manage your employees' use of social media so that you can reap the benefits without negative issues arising.

Benefits of establishing a social media policy

By creating a social media policy, your employees are aware of the company's boundaries and expectations. A social media policy also makes it clear to employees what is expected from their online behaviour.

It also helps employees draw a line between their private and professional lives.

A social media policy also helps to protect your organisation against liability for the actions of your employees and ensures you comply with the law on discrimination, data protection and protecting the health of employees.

A written policy on the acceptable use of social media at work can also help line managers manage staff performance effectively, help you to be clear about sensitive issues like monitoring, and explain how disciplinary rules and sanctions will be applied.

Preparing to develop a social media policy

Before you develop and introduce a social media policy for your workplace you should consult with your workforce and representatives. This can help ensure fairness and staff will more likely buy into and adhere to a policy that has been developed with their contribution. See engaging with staff.

What should my social media policy include?

A social media policy should include:

Definition and purpose of social media policy

Outline what the policy is about and who it applies to - including those using work-related social media and those who access it in a personal capacity.

Why use social media

Describe the benefits to the organisation eg more effective engagement with customers, promoting products and marketing purposes.

Roles and responsibilities

Identify who in your organisation will oversee social media activity and take overall responsibility for the day-to-day administration of the different activities. See social media best practice for business.

Using work-related social media

What the limitations are as to what can be discussed, commented on or promoted via social media to avoid potential problems or reputational damage.

Personal use of social media

Description of what is seen as acceptable personal use of social media during work.

Personal use of social media outside work

Highlighting that your employees need to be mindful of their contributions and what they disclose about your company even when they're at home, using their own equipment, in their own time.

General rules for using social media

Including examples of inappropriate content and terms of use.

Monitoring use of social media

You must ensure that any monitoring is carried out in compliance with relevant legislation. See monitoring employees' social media usage.

References to other relevant policies

For example, disciplinary procedure or anti-bullying policy. Read more on bullying and harassment.


Where it is believed that an employee has failed to comply with the policy, they will face the company's disciplinary procedure. Read more on disciplinary procedures, hearings and appeals.

Ongoing review and update

Provide details of who will be responsible for reviewing the policy and when this will be done.

Social media policy template

To help you create your own social media policy for your business, download our social media policy template (DOC, 20K).

To read more on developing a social media policy, read the Labour Relations Agency's guidance on social media and the employment relationship.

Include social media in other staff policies

You may find that some of your existing workplace policies should also be updated to include a reference to your social media policy. These may include:

Statement of main terms and conditions

If you are a small business and have a limited amount of policies and procedures, you may decide to include a section on social media usage within this policy.

Discipline and grievance

You may want to include a section here on how you will deal with improper use of social media. See managing improper use of social media. It should also be made possible for employees to complain about inappropriate use eg cyberbullying and harassment.


If you have a general communication policy, you should include a section on how social media will be used for communication purposes.

Electronic communications

You may wish to include a section on using social media in respect of internet and mobile phone usage, eg what is deemed to be appropriate social media use within working hours.

Bullying and harassment

Online bullying could breach this policy, so you should also include a social media section here.

Recruitment and selection

Employers should be careful about being influenced in relation to the recruitment of employees by information on social media sites.

Read more on how to set up employment policies for your business.

Continued employee awareness

Once you have your social media policy in place, you must ensure your employees are aware of it and continue to keep it in mind. You should provide training on your social media policy to instil better awareness and understanding amongst your staff as to what is expected of them when using social media. Refresher training, eg every 24 months, can also be beneficial as a reminder to staff of the policy and can offer an opportunity to highlight any new updates to the social media policy, especially given that social media is an area that is constantly changing.

You should make new staff aware of all workplace policies during the induction process and remind all staff to adhere to company policies on a regular basis.

Many employers may fail in defending claims of unfair dismissal cases related to inappropriate use of social media for failing to either provide clear guidelines on the use or not having consistent policies for managing issues when they arise.