Diversify your farm business

Advice and support for diversifying your farm


You will find it helpful to get as much advice as possible as you develop your plans to diversify your farm. Specialist advice on diversifying is available in Northern Ireland from farming experts.

Department of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs (DAERA)

The Department of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs (DAERA) advisers can offer advice on your rural business idea, sources of finance and how to manage the transition from traditional farm to rural enterprise. DAERA's organic experts can also advise on all aspects of switching from traditional to organic production(link is external).

Rural Support

Rural Support can offer independent support from a business mentor to help farming families tackle farm business issues such as finance/debt and business decisions regarding the future - find out more about their On Farm Business Support(link is external).

The Ulster Farmers' Union

The Ulster Farmers' Union has 11,500 local members and represents the wide range of interests of farmers - find out more about the Ulster Farmers' Union(link is external).

Training opportunities for farmers

You might need to supplement your existing skills with some additional training:

Northern Ireland Business support finder

Advice and support towards setting up your business can be found from a number of organisations. The Northern Ireland business support finder is a searchable database that can help you find publicly-funded and not-for-profit sources of business assistance you may be eligible to apply for. Support may be available in a number of forms, including financial assistance and free or subsidised advice services.

Enterprise Northern Ireland

Enterprise Northern Ireland has a network of local Enterprise Agencies. These support small business and community enterprises. They provide:

  • information on government help for small business
  • professional advisers
  • low-cost loans, grant aid and other finance
  • support for small businesses that are acquiring new information technologies
  • support for business growth and development
  • industrial and office space

Find out more about Enterprise NI(link is external) and search for your local Enterprise Agency(link is external).

You may also need specialist advice, such as help with legal issues or managing finances - find a solicitor for your business.